School Self Evaluation

SSE (School Self Evaluation)


What is it?
School self evaluation is a process involving an internal review of the school by the Principal, Deputy Principal, and staff, in consultation with the Board of Management, parents and pupils. This school year, we will looking at what we do and how we do it and will try to find ways in which we can improve what we do, taking into account opinions of the people who are involved in the life of the school. 
Why do it?
Even though we have a better than the national average level of literacy and numeracy in the school, there are always ways in which this can be improved. Likewise with all the curriculum subjects. We will be carrying out this process to meet the needs of pupils, parents and staff in delivering the highest possible education to the children in our school .
When has it been done?
Staff  have incorporated school self evaluation as part of our schedule of meetings for Croke Park/Haddington Road hours. Pupils were consulted over the course of the 2011/2012 and 12/13 school years school year.  As part of our school self-evaluation process, we also looked for feedback from parents as to how they see their child and our school performing in Literacy and numeracy and asked for suggestions as to how we might improve things.  Thank you to all those parents who returned the forms. All responses have been analysed and will be incorporated into classroom planning by teachers, while the feedback itself has been most useful in helping us formulate the School Self-Evaluation report for this year

  • The foci of of school improvement plan for literacy are spelling, handwriting and speaking and listening. 
  • The foci of of school improvement plan for numeracy are maths facts (tables), maths language and problem solving.